1. 蒙古在2000年首次選送24名學生來臺留學,到去年已經有438位,增加近20倍,在臺灣外籍學生中排名第11位。教育部表示,在臺灣能學英語、華語、專業知識和多元文化應是最大誘因。教育部表示,明年將提供20名蒙古學生獎學金,全國的大學也預計提供300個獎學金名額,希望吸引更多蒙古學生來臺留學。

In 2000, Mongolia dispatched 24 students from the nation to study in Taiwan. There were 438 students, 20 times more in 2010 comparing with the number in 2000. Statistically, this amount ranked as number 11 in comparison with foreign students from other nations. The Ministry of Education indicated the major attractions for these Mongolian students to study in Taiwan is they can learn English, Mandarin (or Chinese), professional knowledge and the multi-culture. The Ministry of Education further explained 20 scholarships will be offered by it to students from Mongolia next year. Universities island-wide will offer 300 scholarships in total. The attempt is to make more Mongolian students study in Taiwan.


Tsai, Yaou-Bing (蔡耀斌), a lecturer teaching at the Technology and Science Institute of Northern Taiwan, invents the ‘invisible key,’ which can be used to unlock the door if a particular gesture is set in advance. Tsai expresses that the unseen key utilizes the technique of three-axis accelerator and can be used to replace the traditional key. It can unlock the door or turn on the electricity with different settings by detecting varied gestures given by the users.

3. 民間團體發起「12年國教列車」,昨天(2)來到臺中。文心國小6年級學生林至長表示,希望國內的教育不是一直考試,因為考試讓他們失去自信心和學習的樂趣,希望老師能採用多元評量;崇德國中學生龔嵩雄表示,他真的很希望能實施12年國教,可以讓每個不同經濟狀況的孩子,都能接受平等的教育。

The citizen sector has initiated a program announcing the importance of 12-year compulsory education through a train as the symbol. Yesterday, the ‘train’ arrived at Taichung. Lin, Chi Chong (林至長), a sixth grader from Wen-Hsin (文心) Elementary School explained he hoped the education in Taiwan does not focus on examinations only, for these examinations make students have low self-esteem while losing the fun in absorbing new knowledge. He hoped the local teachers can use different ways to evaluate their students. Another student, Kong, Song-Shung (龔嵩雄) from Chong-De (崇德) Junior High School indicated he really would like to see the 12-year compulsory education be on its way so that children from different social-economic backgrounds can equally receive education.

4. 臺灣愛滋感染者呈現年輕化趨勢,去年15到24歲愛滋感染者,新增521人,比前年增加1成5。臺灣本土愛滋感染者人數由2005年高峰期的3380人,降到去年1796人,幾乎少掉一半,青壯年愛滋感染者人數減少,但年輕族群感染愛滋,近年來有逐漸增加的趨勢。

In Taiwan, those infected by HIV/AIDS have become younger. In 2010, persons with HIV/AIDS increased 1.5%, making the increase reaching 521 people. The amount of people infected by HIV/AIDS had dropped to 1,769 people, an almost 50% decline in comparison with 3,380 (persons infected), the peak number, in 2005. The number of young adults infected by HIV/AIDS is declining, yet in the recent years, there are more young people become HIV/AIDS positive.

5. 男性的審美觀人人不同,不過美國哈佛大學最近有一項調查發現,多數男性喜歡的是「大眼睛、臉頰飽滿、下巴細」的女性。研究也發現,男性一旦看到美女,精神會為之振奮,效果跟吃了毒品差不多。

Every man has his own aesthetic values. An investigation conducted recently by the Harvard University shows that most of the males like women with big eyes, puffy cheeks and thin chins. The research also discovers that men will be more energetic when they see pretty women, which has almost the same effect as taking drugs.

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